News & Updates

PSW promotes sustainable means of developing a cross-border trading network

PSW promotes sustainable means of developing a cross-border trading network to support women’s entrepreneurship development. PSW has launched Khadijah – The Women Entrepreneurship Program which is focused on addressing & overcoming the challenges women face as entrepreneurs and business owners to help them to make an international client base and network.

PSW aims to reduce the challenges for capital raising within the internal trade ecosystem

Capital raising and trade financing are challenging for women-led micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that play an increasingly important role in global trade. To facilitate women-led MSMEs to participate in international trade, PSW aims to reduce the challenges for capital raising within the internal trade ecosystem. PSW has launched Khadijah – The Women Entrepreneurship Program which is focused on addressing & overcoming the challenges women face as entrepreneurs.

CEO PSW Aftab Haider participation in 25th Sustainable Development Conference (SDC)

PSW’s CEO Syed Aftab Haider participated in the 25th Sustainable Development Conference (SDC) co-hosted by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and the Ministry of Planning Development & Special Initiatives. In a panel discussion, Mr. Haider expressed how the inclusion in FTAs and GSP plus programs alone could not suffice to make Pakistani businesses competitive. He stressed the need to focus on disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality as these technologies are finding their way into cross-border trade.

Improvement in internal governance must for holding EU special trade status

The government would have to ensure improvement in internal governance and compliance with global conventions to maintain its special status provided by the European Union (EU) on trade. In this regard, Aftab Haider, CEO Pakistan Single Window, said Pakistan is facing competition from rising competitors meeting the supply chain demands. He added that there is a need to take stock of our competitiveness in the prevailing scenario after GSP+. There is also a need to focus on disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality as these technologies are finding their way into cross-border trades.

Pakistan Must Improve Internal Governance to Maintain GSP+ Status

The government would have to ensure improvement in internal governance and compliance with global conventions to maintain its special status provided by the European Union on trade. During a panel discussion, Aftab Haider, CEO Pakistan Single Window, said Pakistan is facing competition from the rising competitors meeting the supply chain demands. He added that there is a need to take stock of our competitiveness in the prevailing scenario after GSP+. There is also a need to focus on disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality as these technologies are finding their way into cross-border trades.

PSW participated in the 5th Annual International Border Management Conference

PSW participated in the 5th Annual International Border Management Conference. The conference is organized by International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in Jordon, Amman, focusing on various topics related to border management as a part of comprehensive border governance. This topic, as a fil rouge, was discussed and presented from different perspectives, ranging from the academic point of view to the perception of practitioners. At the conference, Domain Officer PSW, Mr. Umair Mahmood presented the success story of PSW-Pakistan Single Window.

PSW launches a women-dedicated helpline

Pakistan Single Window (PSW) has launched a dedicated women’s helpline (021-111-111-779) to provide guidance and support to women traders and entrepreneurs using the PSW system and its allied components for imports, exports, and trade regulatory requirements. The dedicated phone line will provide female entrepreneurs accelerated access to the PSW Trader Support Centre and help them get information on cross-border trade-related laws, procedures, and requirements, guidance on how to navigate the PSW system and its various modules, report technical glitches or training issues and help troubleshoot problems.

PSW has launched the ‘Trade Insights’ series on social media channels to facilitate traders & stakeholders

PSW is establishing a centralised digital trading ecosystem for traders covering cross-border trade for improved compliance and facilitation. Pakistan Single Window is shaping Pakistan's trading ecosystem toward digitisation by reducing the time and cost of doing trade and by narrowing the opportunities for traders & stakeholders with an easily accessible trading environment. In this regard, PSW has launched a ‘Trade Insights’ series for its valuable traders to get the latest updates and information about the cross-border trade procedures of Pakistan.

Clearance of Commercial imports requiring PSQCA certifications is switched to the PSW system

The Clearance of Commercial imports (HC type) requiring PSQCA certifications is being switched from WeBOC to the PSW system. From 21st November 2022, all the PSQCA-related commodities (specific items) will be completely shifted over to PSW. All traders or importers engaged in the import of PSQCA-related commodities are informed to file Single Declaration (Imports) through the PSW system for issuance of electronic Release Order from PSQCA and Customs clearance of their import consignments.

PSW Launches a Dedicated Helpline for Women Entrepreneurs

Pakistan Single Window (PSW) launched a dedicated women’s helpline 021-111-111-779 to provide guidance and customer support to women traders and entrepreneurs. PSW is cognizant of the need for, and the importance of, enhancing women’s participation in cross-border trade through gender-responsive trade facilitation measures and is working on various initiatives aimed at maximizing the benefits for women involved in cross-border trade.
